Washing Your Cover
May 30, 2018Washing a KloudSac Cover All KloudSac covers are machine washable. Taking care of your KloudSac not only keeps it looking…May 2018 Giveaway
May 8, 2018Hi! It's May, and we like May. No particular reason, it's just a good month. So we are giving away…Creative Wooden Pallet DIY Ideas
May 12, 2015Top 10 smart & creative pallet ideas for your home Gone are the days of pallets only being used in…Why Over-Sized Bean Bags are Awesome!
October 8, 2013Giant Bean Bags              Giant, Huge, over-sized foam-filled bean bags! Have you heard of anything better, because we certainly haven’t! KloudSacs…Create Romantic Nights In With Your KloudSac
October 1, 2013Use Your Foam-filled Kloudsac Bean Bag Chair To Create a Romantic Night In With Your Loved One The world is…Kloudsac Foam-filled Bean Bags for Christmas – The Perfect Present for any Male, Big or Small!
September 29, 2013Kloudsacs for Christmas – The Perfect present for any Male, big or small! Every year at about this time, we…Foam-Filled Kloudsac Bean Bags For Tablet Areas In Business And Corporate Settings
September 25, 2013Why Kloudsac Foam-Filled Bean Bags Work So Well Tablet spaces in Business and Corporate Spaces It’s no secret; the world…Kloudsac Bean Bag Chairs; The Perfect Chair To Watch On Sport And Entertain!
September 24, 2013Watch Sport In Style And Comfort On Your Kloudsac Foam-Filled Bean Bag Spring is in the air, the sun has…Ideas On How To Furnish Your Cinema Space With Kloudsac Bean Bag Chairs
September 20, 2013Furnish Your Cinema Space with the Comfiest Foam Filled Bean Bags on the Planet Extra-large TV’s and extra loud sound…St Kilda Festival Channel Ten with KloudSac Bean Bags
September 10, 2013St Kilda Festival - Channel 10 Tent Furnished By KloudSac Bean Bags Kloudsac teamed up with Channel 10 at St.…