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NDIS Self-Regulation Pods

Therapeutic, sensory, safe & comforting foam filled pods for children, teenagers and adults with special needs requiring deep pressure.
KloudSac Bean Bags for Special Needs

KloudSacs in Autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent and Disabled families.

Click below to read the review of the impact of KloudSacs in 104 Autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent and Disabled families. 

Read the Real Life Stories
"Our KloudSac is everything at our place; gathering place, cuddle place, playing cars place, flips place, jumping place, relaxing place, meltdown place...even sometimes sleeping place. Best investment ever for our home."
- Kloud Lounge owner -
As you choose furnishings for your child, teenager or an adult with additional needs, in your home and/or their classroom, it's important to think of their therapy needs, personal preferences, classroom support and safety. KloudSac provides a totally unique product that positively impacts on the well being of individuals with additional needs.

KloudSacs are recommended and purchased by Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists, Schools (including Special Development and Specialist Schools), Respite Centres, Disability Providers, Early Intervention Organisations and Mental Health Support Facilities.

Available in durable faux fur, velvet, linen & outdoor fabrics.

Breathable, durable, tough.

Our top grade blend of shredded foam creates crazy comfort.

For extra strength and durability.

Industrial zips, manufactured without tabs to Australian standards.

KloudSac Stimulates Deep Touch Pressure To Help...
View Foam Filled KloudSacs

Why are KloudSacs therapeutic?

The therapeutic high density foam filling provides deep pressure proprioceptive input, to calm the nervous system, help self-regulate emotions, curb challenging behaviours and have an organising effect for many individuals.

The KloudSac foam filled therapy stimulates deep touch pressure on the body’s joints and muscles which assists to calm individuals who experience stress and anxiety.

The reason a KloudSac works so well is because it provides constant, even pressure. Many individuals show dramatic improvement in their ability to sit still and concentrate on tasks when using their Kloud.

One child said, it feels like they are getting a big hug from the Kloud!

Toby on his KloudSac
Xavi on his KloudSac

Who will benefit from a KloudSac?

KloudSacs have assisted with, and become integral to the therapy needs of children, teenagers and adults with many different additional needs – including those with:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Down Syndrome
  • Rett Syndrome (RTT)
  • Fragile X Syndrome
  • Angelman Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia

Choosing a size

As a rule, the larger the KloudSac size the greater deep pressure therapy received, however, you need to consider the room size and budget.

Our most popular size Kloud is the Mondo (large). This size is suitable for an adult, will allow for a child’s future growth, and can easily accommodate two people sitting comfortably together for activities including reading, watching TV or just cuddling.

Available sizes

Choosing a cover

It is also important to consider the KloudSac cover fabric, as this will provide tactile sensory input. Our most popular sensory fabrics are the Faux Furs and velvets. All KloudSac covers can be removed for washing, and additional covers can be purchased separately.

The foam filled therapeutic goodness of your KloudSac will not be beneficial, if you don’t like how it feels. This is why we post out free fabric samples. It is important to establish a tactile preference towards a KloudSac cover fabric, before making your purchase.

order fabric samples

Super easy to setup

KloudSac foam bags are compressed to approximately one quarter their final size, wrapped in plastic, and placed in a cardboard box for freight around Australia.

After the box is opened and the plastic carefully removed, the foam bag slowly starts to expand by itself. It’s no jack in the box, however, within the first 24 hours the bag will expand to approximately 80% of its full size.

For those who are a little impatient, and would like the KloudSac to fluff up a little quicker, break up the foam with your hands and let the sac start to expand. This video will help demonstrate this process a little easier.

After allowing the foam bag to expand for a day or two, simply zip your choice of cover over the foam bag, then sit back, relax and enjoy. Simple!

Are KloudSacs beanbags?

In the NDIS supports definitions, beanbags are items that are not normally funded by NDIS.

At the most basic, dictionary-definition level, KloudSacs are not beanbags because they are filled with a proprietary shredded foam blend – not the polystyrene pellets that beanbags are filled with. The Merriam-Webster defines a beanbag as “any of various pellet-filled bags used as furniture (such as a chair)…” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/beanbag

KloudSacs are intentionally and absolutely NOT beanbags. Beanbags are not designed for people with special needs while KloudSacs are specifically designed for people with special needs. The primary differences are –

Deep Pressure
Beanbags are filled with polystyrene balls, which do not provide the deep, surrounding pressure required to achieve the benefit of emotional self-regulation. KloudSacs are filled with a proprietary foam blend specifically designed to provide the support and pressure needed.

Beanbags make a lot of noise whenever someone moves and are inappropriate for people who need to self-regulate. Again, KloudSacs are filled with our proprietary foam blend which is specifically designed to be quiet.

Long-term maintenance
The polystyrene balls in beanbags go flat relatively quickly. KloudSac foam filling is designed to last for years without going flat, making maintenance much simpler.

Safety and mess
Polystyrene balls can be a safety issue for pets and children and often cause mess when beanbags are filled or if a beanbag gets a hole in it. KloudSacs are designed with these safety issues in mind so are much safer. KloudSacs come pre-filled with the foam, so there are no issues with filling mess and if a KloudSac did get a hole in it, the foam is unlikey to come out because of its shape and also because they have an internal and an external cover.

Are KloudSacs approved for NDIS funding?

Although we are not a registered NDIS provider, KloudSacs may be purchased with NDIS funding. Purchase of KloudSacs are dependant on how your plan has been established. If unsure, please discuss this with your Support Co-ordinator, Therapist, Plan Manager or relevant NDIS contact.

Families who are self-managing their fund, can purchase directly from us.

For those who are plan managed we can provide you with a quote / invoice to send to your plan manager.

If agency managed, please contact us, and we can refer you to a KloudSac NDIS registered provider stockist who may assist you with your KloudSac purchase.

Thousands of families have successfully used their NDIS funding to purchase their KloudSac, and we love to hear of the positive impact this has had on the individual and family unit.

To request a quote, please click on the below tab ‘View Foam Filled Sacs’. From there choose the KloudSac size and respective cover you would like, then click the ‘NDIS quote” tab. This form will be received by us, and a quote emailed back to you within 1-3 business days.  Please note that the quote price including freight, will be the same as displayed on our website.

For those ordering and paying directly through our website (not obtaining a quote), a tax invoice will automatically be attached to your order notification emails.

view foam filled sacsI Love NDIS

Funding information for carers

Classroom resource

Considering a School Sensory Room, Well Being Room, or Classroom Resource? Incorporating a foam filled KloudSac is the perfect furniture choice. The foam filling in a KloudSac, together with our range of sensory covers, helps students to relax and regulate their emotions.

Best of all sitting in a Kloud is just good fun. You can’t help but smile when you first sink into the foam and experience its comfort. Try it, and let your students be the judge!

Special Needs FAQ

Real reviews from the Special Needs community