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The impact of KloudSacs with Autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent and Disabled families and individuals

Bean bags have been stuck in the 70's... until now!

Review of feedback from KloudSac families and individuals

Thousands of Autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent and Disabled families and individuals have KloudSacs in their homes. Below are some of their stories:

Family #1. I purchased a Kloudsac for my son who has spina bifida and autism. We have found it to be the best investment yet! He uses it all the time and when his anxiety peaks, he will lay down and snuggle into the Kloud for some time alone. It's perfect for his back as it moulds to his shape. He has sensory issues and loves that there is no beans inside, no sounds, only the best memory foam! It's been so great watching him enjoy a new style of comfort.

Family #2. So in short, we don't sleep in this house. Insomnia, ASD, anxiety, sensory issues, you name it, we got it. I have bought my 9 year old ASD child- 4 beds in 8 years, tried every soothing technique and device known, and nothing has helped. He has trouble settling( sensory) cannot self soothe (anxiety) and cannot remain asleep on his own ( insomnia and night terrors). A friend who also has a neurodivergent child saw what we were going through, and said this Kloudsac lounge is a game changer. I was ready to try anything. So, I sold his bunk bed and all the fancy and useless sensory toppers, and we waited for the Kloudsac to arrive, (with some trepidation I admit, as to date NOTHING has worked to help him sleep). So. In short, last night for the first time in his life my child did 3 things he has never done.
i. He CHOSE to go to bed on his own on the KloudSak, and 3 hours earlier than ever before.
ii. He lay still and visibly relaxed and self soothed for the first time EVER.
iii. He fell asleep and stayed asleep all by himself, all night for the first time EVER.
Something else happened too. This exhausted mumma got a full 8 hours alone in her bed. For. The. First Time. In. 9. Years.
Kloudsac, I love you, my ASD child adores you, ( he even hugged you goodbye this morning), and now we just have to teach the dog that you don't belong to her.

Family #3. Highly recommended my son has moderate to severe ASD and ADHD and goes straight to his Kloudsac in the morning for chill time before school and his overall behaviours are really good as a result 10/10 for me!

Family #4. The Kloudsac is the best thing I have ever purchased for my Autistic son. He loves it so much and now he has an awesome place to go and self regulate.

Family #5. We all love our kloudsac, but in our home my son who has autism and adhd it is his calm place. We can have a terrible day and as soon as he hits the kloudsac his troubles melt away. Often leading to him falling asleep in what feels like a great big hug. I couldn't recommend the kloudsac more of I tried. It has been a life changer for us.

Family #6. Bought this for my 17 year old who has autism. Perfect size and he loves it. Fantastic for sensory (pressure and feel). Normal beanbag was no longer working.

Family #7. I got the bag because I have been given guardianship of 5 children with major trauma, adhd and autism. My busiest, hardest to calm child falls asleep in the bag in minutes flat and will swear black and blue that he’s only been in the bag for 2 minutes when he’s been in it for an hour.

Family #8. Autism rules with KloudSac. This has been a game changer for young Chase. He is actually sleeping in his KloudSac, getting the best sleep each night, something that does happen. Thank you so much.

Family #9. My gorgeous son has autism, adhd and an intellectual disability and struggles to feel safe and comfortable. Since his kloudsac arrived he has been happier than he ever has in his life to somewhere to jump repetitively when he needs it, do his homeschool on and sleep on. He has never slept in a bed preferring the floor or older style bean bags. It is truly a huge hug and a weightless experience for his little body and his overworked mind.

Family #10. Perfect for my young son with ASD and ADHD, works as a sensory feed back tool as you can squish in or jump into it. A great safe place for meltdowns.

Family #11. My daughter is autistic and loves the KloudSac, she sits in it to read and it calms her instantly.

Family #12. We bought this item, for our autistic child to get her out of her bedroom. So we created a calming corner with this in place. Now she’s out of her room all the time and she loves it.

Family #13. We gave our daughter a Kloudsac Urban for her 9th birthday. She has ADHD and some sensory issues. At first I was worried that she would be disappointed getting a "chair" for her birthday. But she absolutely loves it.
From the moment she got it out of the box, she had a lot of fun "fluffing" it up. Then through out the day she and her friend used it as part of their obstacle course "fluffing" it up more and laughing the entire time. She rolls it around the house to where she wants it several times a day and enjoys laying, sitting, flopping and throwing herself all over her Kloudsac. It provides somewhere comfy for her to sit, she is able to move and climb all over it to get the stimuli she needs without the worry she will hurt herself or break the furniture. It has provided sensory stimuli that she can regulate on her own, as she needs too.

Family #14. We recently purchased the Kloudsac for our ASD/ADHD child to assist in their sensory regulation skills. The Kloudsac has allowed them to be able to find a safe and calming space for them to be able to navigate their varying emotions when times become overwhelming.

Family #15. My daughter has austism, ADHD and anxiety, this has been the perfect calming solution for her during times she finds stressful. Also - we now can watch a while movie without her fidgeting and interrupting the rest of the family.

Family #16. I bought the Urban KloudSac for my tall 16 yr old daughter who has severe autism hoping it would help calm her down by providing deep pressure. She absolutely loves it and spends a lot of time on it. When she gets agitated she will run from her room and jump on the KloudSac.

Family #17. My disabled son absolutely loves his Kloudsac and uses it every night to fall asleep.

Family #18. My disabled sister uses this beanbag for napping during the day. The outdoor bean bag is waterproof so it’s easy to clean if there is spills or accidents due to her being Incontanent. It’s comfortable and durable.

Family #19. Our faux fur mondo Kloudsac is a much welcomed addition for our teen with ASD/ ADHD. Amazing to sink into and regulate after a big day at school/ work.

Family #20. I have adhd and anxiety and bought this to help me with emotional regulation when I'm working from home. It's like a big hug. It's the perfect place to sit when I'm starting to feel anxious.

Family #21. Ansolutly loved this. My 2 girls are Autistic and ADHD.. they both felt calm, relaxed and secure. Wow.. wish I jad of known about these earlier.

Family #22. Truely the best thing I have purchased for my son that has ADHD and moderate ASD. It has helped him self sooth more times than I can count. Wish I had known about these sooner.

Family #23. Oh my gosh, if you have a child with autism, ADHD, SPD or even just a sensory seeker this is the best investment! My son absolutely LOVES it and so does the rest of the family!

Family #24. Given I have autism and adhd I find it hard to sit still. This is the first item that has let me actually achieve it. I can recommend it enough.

Family #25. Wow ! Amazing for my Adhd & Asd child. So happy ,calm and settled since buying the kloud sac ,would highly recommend.

Family #26. Absolute heaven and so good for helping the kids in their times of need (ASD, ADHD and have anxiety) It helps calm them just by laying in it, I think they would spend all day in it if they could, definitely a good spot for mum to have a sneaky nap!

Family #27. I purchased the urban kloud for my daughter who has ASD, best investment ever. This is now used in her quiet space and the fabric is so soft and fluffy. She is in love with it.

Family #28. Our 7yo grandson has put our 3 seater to full use. When his ADHD/ASD is in full swing, our CloudSac magically transforms into a trampoline, a wrestling pit and giant landing pillow. Then it miraculously turns into a cuddle place where downtime becomes close family time.

Family #29. My 16yr son is autistic and needs deep compression stimuli. Since he is 198m tall having such a large item indoors that can give him his sensory needs and fun without doing any damage to himself, the house or others around him.

Family #30. I was advised to purchase this for my 27 yo son with autism by an OT. He loves it! He seems to use it to relax as well as when he's feeling stressed. It was a large layout of funds but has made a huge difference to his and our happiness.

Family #31. Having 2 children with autism, the kloudsac has been our best purchase to date. They absolutely love the sensory input it provides and the mondo is big enough for the whole family to enjoy.

Family #32. Our boys who have autism love them so much and can sit still and be happy in them.

Family #33. My daughter has Autism and the sensory feel of the faux fur really soothes her on days she is feeling out of control.

Family #34. The Kloudsac has changed our lives, we have a calmer more tranquil home and every member of the household uses it.

Family #35. Best thing I've gotten with having asd, adhd and high anxiety this is so calming and fun. For a child who can't sit for long I can in this and even have a snooze.

Family #36. My son (ADHD/ASD) absolutely loves it, as does his little sister :) keeps him calm and relaxed and we have the best cuddles in it. The cover we chose from samples - it is soft and silk like and my son loves the sensation of it too.

Family #37. My sons both love the kloud sac. I bought it for my younger son who has autism. It's great for his core as he scrambles to climb up it and balance. Very happy.

Family #38. My son has ADHD and it is so calming for him.. he loves it.

Family #39. we purchased our Kloudsac for our son who has autism and he absolutely loves it. It's so soft and comfy and really chills him out.

Family #40. We recently purchased the large Kloudsac for our ASD/ADHD kids. After a week it has helped them So much with regulating their emotions. We love sitting in it and reading or cuddling and it’s even helped the adults be calmer.

Family #41. I bought the crash pad for my autistic daughter to help with her emotion regulation and anxiety. She loves it and so do the rest of the family.

Family #42. I’ve eyed this off for awhile for my son with ASD, GDD, SPD. I myself have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia and finally purchased under recommendation from our OT. This is the best thing I have ever sat in - the foam just support you like nothing else! My son loves nothing better than to crash into it as well so it has already had a lot of use in the first week!

Family #43. I bought this for my little boy, who has an asd. We have had regular beanbags before, but the noise of the beans in the bag put him off. Since the first day we had the Kloudsac, I'd find him huddled away in it having a peaceful time out. This has created a wonderful comfy get away for him.

Family #44. Bought to help with ASD sensory issues preventing my teen from sleeping in a regular bed. He's well supported and comfortable in this and finally getting a decent night's sleep.

Family #45. My son (10/ASD) has found many moments of solace and peace with his Kloud in times of big emotions.

Family #46. My son (autistic) adores it and finds it beneficial during times of sensory overload.

Family #47. Bought this for our son with ASD, he loves to curl up on it and have some quiet time. I love that it’s silent compared to traditional beanbags. He finds it’s calming after a school day.

Family #48. It arrived on time as promised and is a fantastic addition to my son’s room. It provides deep sensory stimulation and calms him like a hug during his ASD meltdowns. Highly recommended.

Family #49. The kloud Sac is simply amazing, so calming & soothing for my Asd son.

Family #50. My son absolutely loves his crash pad (hammock). He has level 2 ASD and this has been a great aid for his need to throw himself around as well as a place to go when he needs a moment to calm. Thank you!

Family #51. It’s wonderful for my ASD son and is now his ‘chill out’ place where he can regain composure or just a place he can relax comfortably.

Family #52. We thought about getting a KloudSac for about six months before we purchased it. We regret waiting. It has reduced our daughter’s anxiety dramatically and our ASD son has had positive improvement with his emotional regulation. We Now have 2.

Family #53. My daughter is autistic and she loves her KloudSac. It’s so comfortable and great for emotional regulation!

Family #54. My autistic loves it and has slept on it every night since he received it.

Family #55. My autistic son absolutely loves his new kloudsac! It is wonderful for that deep pressure that he craves and big enough for his ever growing teenage body!

Family #56. So happy thank you. Our daughter with Autism has started using this to help her with sensory overload and immediately found it so regulating. But she isn’t the only one benefiting from this fabulous cosy hug-of-a-Kloud, the entire family uses it at different times to calm down, sleep, relax and play in. It’s such a life changer. We are in love. Thank you.

Family #57. Our two kids have Autism and are loving their new KloudSac's. The best purchase we have made.

Family #58. This was bought for my 24 year old who has severe autism. He is around 160kgs and 6’2, so this is a great size for him-and he loves it! It keeps its shape even after he’s been in it for extended periods of time.

Family #59. I bought this for my daughter- it has been a great aid to support regulation (ASD and GAD) - it looks great in her room - I’ve noticed a shift in her moods since we’ve had it, and she is obsessed with it!. perfect for her chill space!

Family #60. My daughter is autistic and the reason why we got the product in the first place to help with her we are very very happy and pleased she uses it every day and it helps to keep her calm.

Family #61. The comfort is astounding and my daughter with autism loves it. She's so calm and quiet in it.

Family #62. We are an autism family and this has been amazing for supporting our children. Very happy :)

Family #63. The comfort is amazing and with two autistic children, it gives them the calming sensory experience we were hoping for.

Family #64. Both of my children are autistic and they both love it , we bought a grande and my youngest falls asleep in it every night after never wanting to separate from me.

Family #65. My son (autistic) adores it and finds it beneficial during times of sensory overload.

Family #66. I was surprised that it truly helps me to relax and calm down when anxiety hits me. I've noticed that it helps my hubby and two young boys, who all have autism too ... just the best thing out!

Family #67. My ASD kids love it!! Such a great product for satisfying sensory needs.

Family #68. Our home flooded and our Kloudsac was ruined!!! For a young child with ASD this was horrifying! So our insurance company kindly allowed us to purchase another one within 3 days and our little boy is loving being able to be on his KloudSac to chill when he needs to regulate himself. Thank you Shane for this fab invention and your help!!

Family #69. Both kids are loving it. It’s a challenge to get them out of it. Helping my ASD child calm - self regulate after a meltdown!

Family #70. We purchased one for our sensory room at school. It has been a hit already for our students with anxiety, ASD or for those who just need a break from the chaos of the playground. The challenge is to keep staff out of it. Brilliant product.

Family #71. Very happy, I have 2 autistic children and have noticed their anxiety is not ruling their actions, even the dog is more relaxed. Fantastic product, highly recommended.

Family #72. Perfect for my young son with ASD and ADHD, works as a sensory feed back tool as you can squish in or jump into it. A great safe place for meltdowns, and fun for the whole family.

Family #73. This has been great for my son who has ASD with sensory processing issues. We have found he loves getting to sleep in it which we have previously struggled with every night. Would highly recommend.

Family #74. We purchased our Kloudsac for our daughter who is ASD, as an emotional regulation tool. She loves it! The kloudsac hugs her perfectly and is great to jump onto when she needs to feel stronger pressure.

Family #75. Just purchased a Mondo KloudSac for our son who has ASD as a sensory application. This provides him with a chill out area in times of anxiety. He loves the stone faux fur.

Family #76. This is a our second purchase. Our ASD kiddo loves his so much that we had to have one in two spaces. It’s been a game changer for our family. More options to achieve deep pressure input means less melt downs for us.

Family #77. Our severely autistic son has barely been out of it since it arrives. We are so pleased!

Family #78. My son absolutely loves the Kloudsac we got for him. He seems more calm when resting in it watching TV, doesn’t seem to fidget as much which we are very thankful for.

Family #79. The KloudSac allows my daughter who has ASD to be able to sit in the lounge room with the rest of the family due to how her body is supported. She can sit through a great deal more noise and discomfort due to the calming influence of her fluffy KloudSac. Beautiful!!!

Family #80. My asd son wound not leave my side until he got the Cloud sac, it has given me freedom. And he loves it!

Family #81. Great for ASD! This beanbag is the best. I bought it for my child with Autism who needs deep pressure input. She loves snuggling into it with her brothers (who also fit!) and it looks great in our lounge room!

Family #82. This was purchased for my son with ASD and he loves it so much, he has slept in it a few times and says he would love to live in a house made of Kloud sacs.

Family #83. The Kloudsac is amazing. It is so comfortable and offers great calming qualities for my daughter with ASD. She loves the feel and pressure. She has said it is like having a constant cuddle from a soft fluffy cloud.

Family #84. I bought this for my ASD son. He loves it. His anxiety has decreased and we e noticed that when in the KloudSak he’s able to sit and read without being distracted.

Family #85. The gamer Kloudsac is so perfect for my son with ASD. He needed something to give him sensory feedback, to play/jump on and also to rest in.

Family #86. My 8yo asd kiddo loves his blanket as much as his mondo KloudSac it has been a massive game changer in our house before my kids would be awake until midnight now with the KloudSac and using the fur blanket as a weighted blanket he is asleep by 730 each night!

Family #87. My autistic son loves his KloudSac it helps him calm, sensory appealing and has help him to fall asleep and stay asleep. Big enough for me to sit with him also.

Family #88. We bought this for my son who is autistic, and he absolutely loves it. It gives him the perfect place to bounce and jig while he's sitting, which the couch wasn't able to cope with very well, but the kloudsac has no problems at all. It is also a lovely spot to cosy up on, he loves to do a run up and jump onto it, before stretching himself out and relaxing. It's perfect really. And on the rare moment that he's not on it, then my daughter dives straight onto it. We love it.

Family #89. When my son gets overwhelmed by big emotions, his kloudsac is a great calming spot to sit and have some down time. Thank you!

Family #90. We love the Kloudsac! It was purchased specifically for our son who has Autism and suffers from anxiety. The Kloudsac has been great for him.

Family #91. I would recommend Kloudsac to any one suffering PTSD or on the ASD spectrum, there like a little oasis of calm, in a stormy sea.

Family #92. my daughter with ASD loves it and is very therapeutic when she is stressed/needing time away from the world.

Family #93. Having two autistic kids with sensory issues, this has been fantastic for helping with regulation (when I'm not hogging it). About to buy another, cannot recommend highly enough.

Family #94. My ASD child LOVES this product. She finds it very soothing and calming. Helps her regulate her emotions and sensory overload.

Family #95. My son has ASD and loves the peace that it gives him. And so do we.

Family #96. The Kloudsac is amazing. The support and comfort it provides is incredible. You can even fall asleep in it and wake up without any discomfort. It’s like a big hug. Great for autistic’s who need that deep pressure feeling to help feel calm and relaxed.

Family #97. My autistic sensory seekers love their kloudsacs. It’s perfect for crashing & curling up inside.

Family #98. I brought it for our Asd teenage son, which has had a calming effect .

Family #99. Very calming and so comfortable. Helps my anxiety and gives the feeling of a big hug.

Family #100. I love this, not only my son who’s autistic but his brothers as well they all enjoy it. It has helped settle my son when he’s agitated and calmed him when he’s in meltdowns. It has definitely helped with emotional regulation.

Family #101. I have the Mondo and the Lounge and I'm OBSESSED, so good for my anxiety and when my sensory overload gets the better of me (autism is hard).

Family #102. Brought for my son who has autism level 3 and it’s a dream. He now has a comfortable place to relax and enjoy his quiet time. It’s been a dream.

Family #103. Wow wow this is such an incredible relief to have something that my little boy feels relaxed, comfy, and secure! Harry has autism and I struggle to get him to relax during the day, the moment this was up he’s found his special place to sit and calm down. VERY excited about this. Thank you.

Family #104. It is comfortable and helps to calm me down when I am overwhelmed. Highly recommend this for other Autistic people or those with sensory processing issues.

You can purchase a KloudSac for yourself or your family here.

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