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Stand With Us - "Say NO to the Government Stopping Funding of Vital Sensory KloudSacs"

Bean bags have been stuck in the 70's... until now!

The Government wants to stop NDIS KloudSac funding for Autistic, ADHD, Disabled and neurodiverse families. 

If this happens many NDIS families will no longer be able to afford "life changing" sensory KloudSacs. Here are three out of 104 stories we have collected from KloudSac families -

Family 1: "My daughter is autistic and loves the KloudSac, she sits in it to read and it calms her instantly."

Family 2: "Truely the best thing I have purchased for my son that has ADHD and moderate ASD. It has helped him self sooth more times than I can count. Wish I had known about these sooner."

Family 3: "My gorgeous son has autism, adhd and an intellectual disability and struggles to feel safe and comfortable. Since his kloudsac arrived he has been happier than he ever has in his life to somewhere to jump repetitively when he needs it, do his homeschool on and sleep on. He has never slept in a bed preferring the floor or older style bean bags. It is truly a huge hug and a weightless experience for his little body and his overworked mind."

Take Action! Speak up for these Kids and Adults

It's easy to take action to allow families to get the benefits of peace and calm in the house:

1. Goto this government survey: https://engage.dss.gov.au/consultation-on-draft-lists-of-ndis-supports/consultation-on-draft-lists-of-ndis-supports-survey/ 

2. Answer the 3 questions. You might like to use or modify these template responses:

Question: Do you think the draft list of NDIS Supports covers the kinds of disability supports you think should be included?
Answer: "No". Template response -
Specialist therapeutic foam-filled KloudSac bags must be on the list as they are not a "Household Item beanbag". KloudSacs have a proven significant benefit to Autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent and Disabled individuals and families.

Question: Are there goods or services on the exclusion list that you think shouldn’t be there?
Answer: "Yes". Template response -
Beanbags: Specialist therapeutic foam-filled KloudSac bags are sometimes seen as "beanbags" and are therefore at funding risk. As a KloudSac owner, I believe funding must continue as it provides deep pressure input which calms kids and adults (similar to a hug), helps calm the nervous system, and helps them self-regulate emotions. Autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent and Disabled individuals and families need the ongoing peace and development this provides.

Question: Do you have any further feedback or concerns with the draft NDIS support lists?
Template response: Please ensure Autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent and Disabled individuals and families can still access funding for specialist therapeutic KloudSac foam-filled bags.

Thank you so much for speaking up for NDIS families and special needs kids/adults. By standing together we will keep funding for the vital sensory calming that KloudSacs bring to families!

Please share this page with as many family and friends as you can!

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